What Does it Mean to be Stuck?
So many times in our lives we face scenarios where we don’t have a clue about what to do next. Sometimes it’s a matter of using good ol’ Google to find the answer or phone-a-friend for the recipe, or we just make it up as we go.
But then there are times in our lives when we feel emotionally immobile. Lost. Unsure.
Maybe it’s that life has become a monotonous pattern you don’t know how to change. It feels like every day is just another day to get through. Your life doesn’t light you up like it used to. It doesn’t fill you with joy and purpose.
You’re just...Stuck.
But what’s keeping you there? What’s keeping you stuck?
Is it fear?
Oftentimes, we don’t realize fear is stopping us from living fully. We look at the circumstances around us and blame the situation or other people instead of getting to the root cause.
Remember, fear is temporary. There is a German proverb that says, “Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is.” In other words, fear exaggerates reality.

Instead of buying the lies and listening as your inner voice construct worst-case scenarios, remember these truths:
Truth #1: Most of the things we fear never really happen.
Stop analyzing what could go wrong and consider what could go right. That small shift in focus can make all the difference. Focus on the possibilities.
Truth #2: We can overcome failure.
It is okay to fail. Failure is actually a good thing as it allows us to learn from our mistakes and fly higher next time. What causes your inner critic to come out? Instead of believing the critic, can you learn to leverage past failures for future success?
Truth #3: Having a plan will help you move forward.
Getting clear about what you want is the most essential step in the growth process. Sometimes we let fear dictate our lives because we don’t have a clear understanding of what we want and how we can get there. Without a vision, we spin in circles, aimlessly following along as others dictate our time and agenda.
Your plan just has to move you forward, one step at a time. Sometimes your steps will be big, and sometimes they’ll be small. It’s okay! It just takes one step!
Truth #4: You have to take action.
Taking action can be the hardest part. That plan you made…it does no good if you don’t execute it. If your best-laid plans sit on the shelf, you’ll remain exactly where you are.
If starting is the hardest part for you, enlist the help of others to keep you accountable to your goals. We were never meant to do it alone. Remember, you can take teeny-tiny steps. Just take them.
But the truth is, if you don’t know what you want, you certainly won’t follow through on your plan or take action. You’ll continue to stay frustrated, dejected, and apathetic. You’ll stay stuck in self-doubt or fear of failure.
You deserve to live life on purpose. Let me say that again, you deserve to live life on purpose.
So that is why I’m so excited to let you know that ENROLLMENT IS NOW OPEN for my Get Unstuck Online Course!
This course is designed for women to get out of the rut they’re in, and start living their life with peace, purpose, freedom, and intention.
This six-module course is for the woman who knows she wants more but doesn’t know how to get there.
For the woman who keeps trying the same things she’s always done, but it’s simply not working.
Get Unstuck addresses a lot of pain points women face - feeling unworthy, believing you’re not enough, being unclear of your identity, comparing yourself to others, lacking focus, clarity, and purpose.
If you’re someone who feels like she is struggling to fill her own cup, and don’t know where to start to change that pattern…
If you’re someone who knows she wants more from life but doesn’t know what it even could be…
If you’re someone who says yes when you really want to say no...
If you’re someone who is giving so much to everyone around you that you forget to take time for yourself…
This course is created just for you.
And, we’re all busy, right?! I knew the women that I work with needed a program with easy, flexible, bite-sized lessons that could fit into their busy lives. That’s the beautiful thing about this course. You get to work at your own pace.
Not only do you deserve to feel your best, your whole family will thrive when you are living with clarity and purpose. The truth is, we live so much of our lives reactive to the chaos around us, running from work to doctor appointments, to sports practice, to social gatherings, to piano lessons, and on and on.
Until we put a stake in the ground and say, “this chaos is causing too much stress on my family, I’m going to take it back,” we’re going to stay stuck living this way.
I want you to live with purpose. I want you to live with intention. I want you confident not only in who you are as a woman, but why you were put on this Earth.
I have worked with hundreds of women who struggle day in and day out feeling like they are unsure as to their purpose of why God created them.
By the end of the course, you’ll:
Have a clear idea of who you are, how you’re wired, and the strengths and gifts you bring to this world.
You’ll name your passions, values, purpose, and unique super-power.
You’ll name where you are, get clear about where you want to be, examine what’s getting in the way, and create action steps to get there.
Think of this course as your phone-a-friend. I’m here to pick up the other end of the call and help guide you towards creating the life you’re meant to live.
Join me inside Get Unstuck!
Let’s do this. Together.
What was your biggest insight?
Let me know in the comments below!
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