For the Mom That Needs to Hear This...
Being a mom is not for the weary. It’s one of the hardest jobs on Earth, sometimes with the least amount of recognition.
There are a million “handbooks'' about what to do and what not to do. A million “experts” who have lengthy research and hard data on “exactly how children should be raised.” Podcasts. Talks. Support groups. Opinions from family and friends. Generational pressure. Societal pressure….a lot of time, these sources conflicting.
It’s a wonder so many moms aren’t in a constant anxiety-ball on the floor and can juggle as much as we do. Give yourself a pat on the back right now for making it through each day. Go ahead...I’ll wait…

The full-time job that comes along with Motherhood changes the course of our lives forever. It’s a beautiful gift but I just want to share some important reminders:
1. Missing Part of Your Life Before You Had Kids Makes You Human
Remember those days when you used to be able to sleep in a bed all to yourself without little feet kicking you in the back at 3 am? Or, remember those days you could just lay around and watch movies all day on a rainy Saturday?
Maybe it’s been a while since you’ve thought about your passions. Perhaps it is time to create some space to think about what you love, what you want more of, and what makes you feel alive. You have unique gifts, strengths, and abilities that set you apart. What are they? You have an identity outside of being your child’s mom. How could you create some space for yourself so that you have more to give?
2. It’s Okay to Not Love Every Second of Motherhood
Being someone’s mom is HARD. Some days it’s crying in your closet, and some days it's feeling like your heart could burst from your chest with joy. Sometimes it’s both of those feelings in the same hour. Give yourself grace for realizing that not all days of parenting are sunshine and sugar. And that’s okay! It doesn’t mean you’re a bad mom. It doesn’t mean you don’t love your kids with your whole heart, it just means that raising children to be upstanding citizens of the world is ridiculously challenging. Let yourself feel however you need to feel about the hard times. They do turn into good times.
3. Because You’re Worrying About Being A Good Mom, Means You Already Are
As moms, we tend to put constant unnecessary pressure on ourselves. “I’m not doing enough.” “I’m not doing this right.” “My kid is going to be so screwed up.”
I know that I’ve had these thoughts throughout my time as a mom wayyyy more than I’d care to admit, but let me just put your mind at ease...because you worry about being a good mom, you already are one. You care enough to worry. You love your child enough to strive to be the best mom for them. We don’t have to get it right every time.
Mom-guilt is real and is rooted in many places - personal insecurities, pressure from family or friends, social media.
So many of my clients who are moms have been telling me how much they feel like they have failed...especially when it comes to their kids.
I decided to put on my “Counselor Kim” hat and I want to remind you - YOU HAVEN’T FAILED AS A MOM!
And that’s exactly why I have put together a FREE MASTERCLASS entitled just that - You Haven’t Failed As A Mom.
I want to remind you of just how lucky your kids are to have you and to walk you through 5 strategies to help you parent with confidence and keep you away from getting stuck in mom-guilt.
Inside the masterclass, you’ll learn:
How To Parent From A Place of Calm
How To Keep Yourself From Getting Caught In The Comparison Trap
How To Be Your Kids' Mom Without Losing Your Own Identity And Purpose
How To Parent Perfectly Imperfect
The strategies you’ll learn inside this masterclass will not only walk you through ways to parent with confidence but with my counselor hat on, I’ll also give you tools to implement these strategies based on your physiological makeup. Yup - we’re going to talk about your brain and how you’re wired. This will give you an understanding of why you function the way you do.
If you’re feeling like you are just barely keeping your head above water. If you’re feeling like you can’t keep up with the Pinterest-perfect moms you see on Instagram. If you’re feeling like you’ve let your kids down because you’re no June Cleaver (let’s be real, who is?!)
This masterclass is for you!
Reserve your spot now and I’ll see you there!
What was your biggest insight?
Let me know in the comments below!
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